Last week one of our ACT (Aids Combat Team) Men in Western Tanzania was robbed at gun point. Emmanual Bosco was travelling to perform video evangelism on his motor bike when he was stopped by several men holding guns and demanding payment. All of his money, his mobile phone, and his laptop were stolen. The robbers also slashed his tires and smashed the lights on his bike.
This is unfortunately not the first incident that our team has faced over the years and it certainly won’t be the last. These men travel to un-reached areas of the African bush with the goal of spreading the Gospel of Christ. This puts them square in the sight of the enemy and he constantly tries to stop them.
Rather than get disheartened, our team chooses to remain strong in their faith, fully convinced that God will protect and provide. We are raising funds to replace Bosco’s equipment and if you feel called to help, you can donate here. Please type “Bosco” in the drop down box.
Most importantly, please keep our team in your prayers. Every week these men go out to do their part in fulfilling the Great Commission and are often in places that are not safe. Please pray for a hedge of protection around them and that God will go out in front and disrupt any plans of the enemy.
Thank you and God Bless!