Equipping the Saints
“and he gave the apostles, the prophets, the evangelists, the shepherds and teachers, to equip the saints for the work of ministry, for building up the body of Christ…” Ephesians 4:11-12
Someone has said, “Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day; but teach him how to fish and you can feed him for a lifetime.” At BWM we have an even greater idea- Teach that man how to train others to fish and you can feed the world. Using creative means and methods we are equipping African leaders and churches to win Africa to Christ.

Shepherds House Training Facility
Located next to the famous Maasai Mara National Park; BWM has built a dormitory and training center on 8 acres of land. The beautiful “Shepherd’s House” is used for equipping pastors and evangelists. It is also available for mission volunteers to use while on mission to the Maasai people. The Shepherd’s House will raise up a generation of young Africans who can capture the hearts of their people with the gospel.

Pastor Training
It is a compelling task to train 2,200 pastors in Great Commission vision, but BWM is in the fight to equip our men with a government approved Certificate in Pastoral Theology. Our first graduating class was in January of 2023. We expect an additional 75 plus pastors to graduate in 2024.

Next Generation Leaders
The rural pastor in Africa is a different breed from the man pastoring in a thriving metropolis like Nairobi, Kenya or Kampala, Uganda. His needs are different, and his people are different. Greatly neglected in the past, he is neglected no more by BWM. We will find him, equip him, and send him out to change his culture into kingdom culture. He will become a next generation leader.

Church Planting
The true test of any mission enterprise is the local Church. That is why BWM has centered its vision and success on training leaders to plant New Testament churches. All real evangelism must result in real churches. BWM has been planting approximately 125 churches each year of ministry.

Training Resources
The BWM Web site is both an informational media presentation for those seeking to know more about BWM; but it is also a valuable resource for anyone seeking teaching, training, or evangelism materials for use in the local church. All our resources are free and downloadable to the worldwide church. We have resources in English, Spanish, French, Swahili, Maa, Lugandan, Urdu, and several other tribal languages.