As I write this thousands are leaving Burundi seeking safety. They are pouring into Tanzania and nearbyRwanda. The continued fears are associated with age old tribal resentments between the Hutus and Watusi peoples of Burundi & Rwanda. Multiple genocidal wars have conditioned the Tutsis to run for safety.
Barry Wood Ministries has two staff families in Burundi and more in Rwanda. One family has fled to Rwanda and is secure with our other staff there. As of today we are praying desperately for the removal of one more staff family to cross the border into Rwanda. Communication by phone has been cut off by the Burundian government, but a recent e-mail message tells us of the frightening conditions in country.
It is our hope that in the next few hours our second family will reach Rwanda and safety. We live in a fallen, broken world as you well know. However, I marvel at how God is continually working in the affairs of men. Even as thousands of displaced Burundians gather in refugee camps, it becomes a golden opportunity to feed, clothe and shelter those displaced. It also in an opportunity for our staff to proclaim the love of Christ to these poor confused souls in those camps. BWM will be there with food relief, medicine, and comfort in the name of Jesus. I ask you to pray for that situation and for God’s favor on Burundi that peace may prevail very soon.
A final thought….how often do we take for granted the peaceful transitions in politics and government we experience in America. The White House can change occupants without blood being shed. Not so in most of the Africa I know. What we know as democracy in this country is but a dream and a wish in most of Africa. There is still much work to be done that will transform the kingdoms of this world into the kingdom of our God and of His Christ. I’m up for it, how about you?
PS: I will report back to you on the developments in Burundi.